3517147a-Mamma Dog
3517147a-Mamma Dog

Mamma dog with her puppies makes a fun toy for any child. This set is made in Prowess, an integrated women's group in S. India.

Colours and fabric patterns may vary. Please ask to see pictures of what is available at the time of ordering.

Material: Cotton with polyester fibre filling.

Size - 21x13x15cm

Price - please see PRICE LIST

3517147a-Mamma Dog

Mamma dog with her puppies makes a fun toy for any child. This set is made in Prowess, an integrated women's group in S. India.

Colours and fabric patterns may vary. Please ask to see pictures of what is available at the time of ordering.

Material: Cotton with polyester fibre filling.

Size - 21x13x15cm

Price - please see PRICE LIST