Proud to be Indian

I was just looking through our guest book to see who to add to our mailing list and there was a delightful message from a lady called Mrs. Verma who lives in Noida, on the outskirts of Delhi. She writes "MESH makes me proud to be an Indian"

That got me thinking about why she might have written that. I guess it could have been because she was treated well in the shop, perhaps by Rohit, who has been part of MESH team for more than a decade now. Most people would take one look at Rohit with his wobbly movements and inability to talk and think he could not do a thing. But although Rohit has cerebral palsy he is very often alone in charge of the shop, serving customers, cleaning and arranging the shelves, tagging and pricing. It is Rohit who takes the sales money for banking. I sometimes work in the shop on Saturday mornings and many is the time that customers have seemed disappointed to see me there and have asked for Rohit.

That we can have a person with all of Rohit’s differences right there at the front of our organisation is indeed something to be proud of. To have him selling terrific products made by a whole bunch of people with disabilities and people affected by leprosy is another reason to be proud. To have customers who are proud to be part of all that is just the icing on the cake.

Thanks Mrs. Verma for reminding us.
