
Prowess is a very successful women's self help group located in Kodai Kanal which is a hill station and tourist spot in Tamil Nadu. Started as a trust the women later were guided to form a self help group and affiliate themselves with a larger umbrella organisation of self help groups in order to benefit from government savings and credit schemes.

The Prowess team have had a good year. Sales to MESH were down but they have maintained business with other customers and in one sale in Kodai Kanal International School they managed to sell Rs 2,50,000 worth of goods which is asignificant achievement for such a small group.

The tourist industry is a major employer in the town but it is fickle and competitive. The work in Prowess ensures a steady income for the women which offers some family financial security. This was best seen in the pandemic years when the Prowess women were the only breadwinners for much of the time.
Every toy requires endless attention through lots of stages of production ....


J. Susila has a physical disablity affecting a leg. She is mostly involved in making soft toys in Prowess. She and her mother live alone, they depend on her income from Prowess to survive. She sees Prowess as a life-giving place.

The wonderful brightly coloured toys made in Prowess are very popular and there are many listed on our website on our toys and games page here...

For some statistics and more details about PROWESS click here


Dog and puppies

Goldilocks and the three bears

Maharaja puppet
